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Original Manufacturer of Boiler Water Softening Equipment

Water Softening Equipment

Original Manufacturer of Boiler Water Softening Equipment

Boiler softening water equipment is a raw water pretreatment device for boiler long scale, which removes calcium and magnesium ions in raw water and the elements that cause boiler long scale.

    Product introduction

    Boiler softening water equipment is a raw water pretreatment device for boiler long scale, which removes calcium and magnesium ions in raw water and the elements that cause boiler long scale.

    Working principle

    Since the hardness of water is mainly formed and expressed by calcium and magnesium, the cation exchange resin (water softener) is generally used to replace Ca2+ and Mg2+ (the main components of scale formation) in the water. With the increase of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the resin, the efficiency of the resin to remove Ca2+ and Mg2+ gradually decreases.
    When the resin absorbs a certain amount of calcium and magnesium ions, it must be regenerated, and the regeneration process is to wash the resin layer with salt water in the salt box, and replace the hardness ions on the resin, and then discharge the recycled waste liquid outside the tank, and the resin recovers the softening exchange function.
    Since the hardness of water is mainly formed by calcium and magnesium, the hardness of water is mainly formed by calcium and magnesium, and the principle of sodium ion exchange softening treatment is to exchange the raw water through the sodium cation exchange resin, so that the hardness components of the water Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ in the resin, so as to adsorb the Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the water, so that the water is softened.
    The automatic sodium ion exchanger uses the principle of ion exchange to remove calcium, magnesium and other scale ions from water. When the raw water containing hardness ions passes through the resin layer in the exchanger, the calcium and magnesium ions in the water are replaced with the sodium ions adsorbed by the resin, and the calcium and magnesium ions are adsorbed by the resin and the sodium ions enter the water, so that the water flowing from the exchanger is the softened water with the hardness removed.

    Performance characteristics

    1. High efficiency: The overall design of the water softener is reasonable, so that the effective working exchange capacity of the resin can be fully played.
    2. Labor saving: high degree of automation, no need to set up special duty.
    3. Water saving: water softener water production rate of more than 98%.
    4. Power saving: Using the principle of siphon regeneration, no salt pump, power consumption is only equivalent to 1% of manual water softening equipment.
    5. Small footprint: Only need to provide resin tank and salt tank footprint space, saving pipeline, salt pump space.
    6. Easy to adjust: the user can adjust the regeneration cycle and regeneration time according to the actual needs.
    7. Low operating costs: Due to the high degree of automation, the water softener can adapt to changes in water volume, accurately measure the amount of water production and measure the amount of regenerant, avoiding the innocent waste of regenerant during regeneration, and saving a lot of labor costs.

    Scope of application

    Boiler water softening equipment is widely used in industrial boilers, heat exchangers, air conditioning, laundry, food, pharmaceutical, textile, electronics and other industries.