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Dyeing Wastewater Treatment Equipment

Sewage Treatment Equipment

Dyeing Wastewater Treatment Equipment

The main treatment methods of printing and dyeing wastewater are physical, chemical and electrolysis methods. Chemical and physical methods are often mixed to achieve better results. In the physical method, the most used is adsorption, and the chemical method is mainly coagulation and oxidation.

    Physical treatment

    This method is to mix the powder or particles of porous substances such as activated carbon and clay with the sewage, or let the sewage pass the filter bed composed of its particles, so that the pollution in the sewage is adsorbed on the surface of the porous material or is filtered out.
    There are many kinds of adsorbents used in adsorption treatment, and the selectivity of adsorbents to dyes should be considered in the project, and adsorbents should be selected according to the quality of sewage. The results show that in dyeing wastewater with pH=12, the removal rate of anion dye can reach 95%-100% by using silicon polymers (methyl oxygen) as adsorbent. Kaolin is also an adsorbent. Studies have shown that kaolin can effectively adsorb yellow direct dyes in sewage by long chain organic cation treatment.

    Chemical treatment

    It is mainly divided into two kinds of coagulation method and oxidation method, which have their respective effects in water treatment.
    The coagulation method mainly includes coagulation precipitation method and coagulation gas float method. Most of the coagulants used are mainly aluminum salt or iron salt, among which basic aluminum chloride (PAC) has better bridging adsorption performance, and ferrous sulfate has the lowest price. The main advantages of coagulation method are simple process flow, convenient operation and management, less investment in equipment, less area and high decolorization efficiency for hydrophobic dyes. The disadvantages are high operating cost, large amount of mud and difficult dehydration, and poor treatment effect of hydrophilic dyes.
    There are several methods of oxidation, such as ozone oxidation and light oxidation. Ozone oxidation method can obtain good decolorization effect for most dyes, but poor decolorization effect for sulfur, reduction, paint and other insoluble dyes. Photooxidation treatment of dyeing wastewater decolorization efficiency is high, but equipment investment and power consumption need to be further reduced, domestic use of this method is not many enterprises.

    Electrolytic treatment

    Electrolysis has a good effect on the treatment of dyeing wastewater containing acid dyes, the decolorization rate is 50%~70%, but the treatment effect on the wastewater with deep color and high COD is poor.
    It is understood that statistics, all kinds of dyes due to different electrochemical properties in the electrolytic treatment of their COD removal rate has a large difference, the order of COD removal rate is generally: sulfide dyes, VAT dye-acid dyes, reactive dye-neutral dyes, direct dye-cationic dyes.